The French Village Fire Department covers a 21 square mile district that is located 10 miles east of St. Louis, MO. We cover the area

Apartment Fire Safety
People living in an apartment building need to think ahead and be prepared in the event of a fire. It is important to know the

Arson Awareness and Prevention
During 2007-2011, an estimated 282,600 intentional fires were reported to U.S. fire departments each year, with associated annual losses of 420 civilian deaths, 1,360 civilian

Become a Firefighter
Must be at least 18 years old with valid driver’s license. You will prevent, contain and extinguish fire, assist in rescue and evacuations, and much more.

Learn skills necessary to succeed in the fire service through hands-on training, classroom sessions, and specialization instruction. You will have access to benefits to achieve your full potential by joining our team.

Burn Prevention
Most “fire-related injuries” are burns. In fact, approximately every 60 seconds someone in the U.S. sustains a burn injury serious enough to require treatment. Increased

Campus Fire Safety
Going to college is an exciting time for students and their parents. Living in a new “home away from home” not only gives young adults

Candle Fire Safety
From 2009-2013, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 9,300 home structure fires that were started by candles. These fires caused 86 deaths, 827 injuries

Carbon Monoxide Safety
Although the popularity of carbon monoxide (CO) alarms has been growing in recent years, it cannot be assumed that everyone is familiar with the hazards

Children and Fire Safety
When it comes to children, safety should be a priority and when it comes to fire safety, it is no exception. Here is everything you

Clothes Dryer Fire Safety
In 2010-2014, U.S. municipal fire departments responded to an estimated 15,970 home fires involving clothes dryers or washing machines each year. These fires resulted in
Community Resources
Please browse and share these critical resources with your family, friends and neighbors. We are pleased to offer an array of fire and life safety
Contact Us
Thanks for reaching out to the French Village Fire Protection District For the fastest response, please complete the form on this page and a member

Cooking Fire Safety
Cooking is often a relaxing and fun task that brings family and friends together, but cooking is also the number one cause of home fires

Electrical Fire Safety
Electricity helps make our lives easier but there are times when we can take its power and its potential for fire-related hazards for granted. Electrical

Explorer Program
The Explorer Program develops young people into responsible and productive citizens through discipline and a commitment to serving their community. Explorers assist the fire department in the office and in the field.

Fire & Life Safety Information & Resources
Featured Topics Topics by Audience Seasonal Fire Safety Tips More Fire & Life Safety Topics Source for Content: National Fire Protection Association and U.S. Fire Administration

Fire Department Key Box Installation (Knox Box)
The Knox-Box® Rapid Entry System is a secure emergency access program developed for property owners and first responders. First Responders across North America use the

Fire Extinguisher Safety
A portable fire extinguisher can save lives and property by putting out a small fire or containing it until the fire department arrives; but portable

Fire Safety for Older Adults
Knowing what to do in the event of a fire is particularly important for older adults. At age 65, people are twice as likely to

Fire Safety for People with Disabilities
More than 43 million Americans have a disability. The identity of the group of Americans with disabilities is constantly changing — at any moment we

Garage and Basement Fire Safety
Garage and basement fires can spread farther and cause more injuries and dollar loss than fires that start in other areas of your home. Here

Holiday Fire Safety
Christmas trees account for hundreds of fires each year. Typically, shorts in electrical lights or open flames from candles, lighters or matches start tree fires.

Become a valuable community member when you answer the call to be a volunteer firefighter. We are looking for people of all skill levels and abilities.

Home Fire Escape Planning
Your ability to get out depends on advance warning from smoke alarms and advance planning. Fire can spread rapidly through your home, leaving you as

Home Fire Recovery
A fire in a home can cause serious damage. The building and many of the things in your home may have been badly damaged by

Home Fire Sprinklers
Because fire sprinklers react so quickly, they can dramatically reduce the heat, flames, and smoke produced in a fire. Properly installed and maintained fire sprinklers help

Home Hazardous Materials
It is important for people to know the steps they can take to keep themselves and their families safe from accidents related to home hazardous
Inside French Village FPD
The French Village Fire Department covers a 21 square mile district that is located 10 miles east of St. Louis, MO. We cover the area
Join Us
Our volunteer firefighters serve to protect the lives and property of the Fairview Heights citizens from adverse effects of fires exposure to dangerous conditions created

Kids Corner
All All Videos Websites Red Rover Preschool Sparky the Fire Dog Ages 5+ Smart Fire Safety Rules Ages 8-12 Videos All Ages Fire Safety Kids
Letter from the Chief
I am happy to serve as Chief for the French Village Fire Protection District. The French Village F.P.D. was formed in 1946. For 66 years

Our News
Please browse and share our news articles with your family, friends and neighbors. We are pleased to offer an array of news to our community.

Out of Town Volunteer Program
Join our department as an Out-Of-Town (OOT) volunteer first responder and staff a minimum of 48 hours a month at your discretion and schedule.

Past Apparatus
Fleet Shot 259A 1940’s 255-10 255 1992 253A 251A 1940’s 252 251B Before Refurb 251A 1940’s 250c 250B Retired 250A Retired 250A Retired

Severe Weather and Fire Safety
The majority of the U.S. is at risk for severe weather, which can cause dangerous and sometimes life-threatening conditions. Snowstorms, extreme cold, hurricane force winds,

Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector Installation Program
The French Village Fire Protection District is proud to be involved in the Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Detector Installation program. Fill Out Our Interest

Smoke Alarm Safety
Smoke alarms save lives. Smoke alarms that are properly installed and maintained play a vital role in reducing fire deaths and injuries. If there is

Smoking Fire Safety
Smoking materials, including cigarettes, pipes, and cigars, started an estimated 17,200 home structure fires reported to U.S. fire departments in 2014. These fires caused 570

Summer Fire Safety
Summer is a time for fun, but it is important to make sure you and your family are being cautious when using fireworks, grills, and
Thank You for Contacting Us
Thank you for contacting us. Someone will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. While you’re waiting, please visit our social media
Thank You for Submitting Your Information
Thank you for taking the first step in securing the safety of yourself and your family. One of our members will get back to you
Thank You for Your Interest
Thank you for your interest in joining us. Someone will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. While you’re waiting, please visit

Thanksgiving Fire Safety
For most, the kitchen is the heart of the home, especially during the holidays. So keeping fire safety top of mind in the kitchen during this

Travel Fire Safety
Fire safety is not typically front of mind for most people when making travel plans, however, fires in hotels and motels are extremely common. Here

Wildfire and Outdoor Fire Safety
Outdoor Fire Safety Create a safety zone of up to 100 feet around your home. Remove pine needles and dry leaves from around your home.

Winter Fire Safety
Heating is the second leading cause of U.S. home fires, deaths and injuries. December, January and February are the peak months for heating fires. Space