Past Apparatus

Fleet Shot 259A 1940’s 255-10 255 1992 253A 251A 1940’s 252 251B Before Refurb 251A 1940’s 250c 250B Retired 250A Retired 250A Retired
Inside French Village FPD
The French Village Fire Department covers a 21 square mile district that is located 10 miles east of St. Louis, MO. We cover the area out of 2 stations, utilizing two Class A engines, one 75’ Quint, (Ladder Truck) one Medium Duty Rescue Truck and two Command Vehicles. We cover area in the City of […]
Our Members

Operational Leadership District Leadership Firefighters
Letter from the Chief
I am happy to serve as Chief for the French Village Fire Protection District. The French Village F.P.D. was formed in 1946. For 66 years a group of dedicated men and women have provided their skills and ability to combat fires, rescue people injured in car accidents and help during medical emergencies for absolutely no […]